New 12 hours of Basic Financial Aid

Sunday January 27, 1-4pm and Monday, January 28, 8:30am-5:30pm

Basic Financial Aid (12 Hours) – Gregory Plourde, Gregory Jon Consulting

        Session description below

        All breaks, Sunday Evening Party and lunch on Monday included

        Fee is $250


1.       FAFSA, FAFSA ID & ISIR: The Student FA Interview process and what is required to be successful

2.       FINANCIAL AID & CUSTOMER SERVICE IN A DIFFICULT ARENA:  How to make it about what is needed [advocate while enforcing the rules] and not personal or emotional

3.       ELIGIBILITY ISSUES & RESOLUTIONS for ISIR Codes:  How to address and correct comment codes, knowing what each requires of a student or the school

4.       AWARDING & PROCESSING AID CLOCK HOUR, CREDIT HOUR, TERM, Non-TERM, MODULE:  The packaging process, getting the award to the student

5.       VERIFICATION:  The requirements, the process, the conflicts, and how to ensure compliance

6.       PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT: What is and What is NOT PJ, documentation requirements and how PJ interacts with Verification

7.       SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGERSS & RELEASE OF FUNDS: The mechanic of eligible aid and the interactions between other departments

8.       RETURN TO TITLE IV, WITHDRAWALS, TRANSFER, RE-ENTRY, RE-ADMISSION: Understanding how aid is impacted when a student enrollment is modified, changed, or terminated

9.       CONSUMER INFORMATION, CLERY ACT, CAMPUS SECURITY, and REPORTING:  An outline of the areas that schools find themselves out of compliance

10.   ADMINISTRATIVE CAPABILITY:  The catch-all audit finding that causes so much headache

11.   PROGRAM REVIEW, HCM1, HCM2 and ASSESSMENT:  Process and Procedures on how to survive these and what is currently being evaluated and reported

12.   COMPUTER, PRIVACY, and DATA PROTECTION:  Pii…it can be a real bother, but it is required


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